Batch image and pdf edits

Doing some image editing on the command line For my reports, this web page and for personal sharing via social media I have used several commands. Why use commands when there are apps, and programs that will do it? Well, I could come up with all sorts of reasons: batch processing, more control (like driving stick), repeatability and so on. But in truth is that I enjoy finding out, and dislike the imprecision of using a mouse.

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3D Printing, what for?

I use 3D printing during my work but of course I work in prototyping. What use would it have for individuals in their home? That is before you go out and spend £300 or more on a new 3D printer. To repair We were having a picnic with some friends and one of the toys was broken so I decided to having a go at fixing it. By using an oyster card for scale I was able to “trace” the contour of the part to the correct size.

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STEAM punky

Calling all makers looking to change the world! We are looking for you to join us in this adventure. S.T.E.A.M. : Stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. Using those tools we can change the world! And punky? Well that is YOU! How will it work We get a group of six punky and first we discuss what problem we want to solve together. There is no such thing as a bad idea, we dump all the different things we want to do.

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These are the locations where you can reach me. Registered address in Teddington. Community address in Ham. And business address in Kingston. This gives me a perfect opportunity to talk about a job. There is a small wood land called Petersham Common Woods. They are managed by a community group that needed to have their trees documented i.e. tagged. They found that software developed for this task tagging and geolocation in a map.

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Software Alternatives

Why not? Sometimes you feel that your tech device (computer, tablet, mobile phone) does it’s own bidding, that there is no other options and you have to use what is offered to you off the shelf or what came with your device. Hopefully this article will show you a completely different alternatives. The software that I am sharing with you in this article follows these rules or freedoms: You can run this software for whatever you want.

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CNC control: deskproto

Short introduction guide on how to use the CNC machine at cre-8. Instructions for CRE-8 CNC These instructions are based on using expert software of desk proto. Your model Your 3D model needs to be stl format, bitmap (png, jpeg, tiff) or dxf On someone else’s work Have a look at thingyverse make sure you down load the adequate format. Starting from scratch 3D model Use software packages such as FreeCAD and extrude items.

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