
A long time ago a created some podcast episodes for hacker public radio. I hope to create some more soon. https://hackerpublicradio.org/correspondents/0301.html

I have also been interviewed for other podcasts anylab https://anylab.co/podcast/ and Side Xuest https://www.side-xuest.com/voxcast

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A Community Interest

C4AD was registered as a Private company limited by guarantee without share capital Community Interest Company (CIC). In short: not for profit and asset locked. The company's activities will provide benefit to those living in the South West London area and beyond with the use of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. STEM needs Arts to be successful so at C4AD S.T.E.A.M. is promoted: the aim is to demystify STEAM. The company is no more, but the activities continue as a free time activity!